
about us:

We offer beautiful city walks and wonderful packages for companies, groups and individuals.

We provide pleasant, beautiful and pleasant city walks in Groningen. We don't settle for anything less than the best and your satisfaction is our priority. That's just how we are and we are proud of it. Could do less.

Who we are

Guide In Groningen is an initiative of Peter Bos, himself a so-called stadjer since 1988 (A resident of the city of Groningen is called a Stadjer). Peter is an enthusiast of the history of social developments and is inspired by Geert Mak, Michael Palin, Stephen Fry and of course our own Groningen resident Beno Hofman. The courtyards, the Hanseatic League, the university and socialism and the city are favorite subjects. But also beer, links with other countries, means of transport and urban developments and of course rugby (Go RCG!!)

Vision on the profession of city guide:

A good guide is half encyclopedia and half entertainer and knows how to convey local knowledge to the guests of, in this case, Groningen in a fascinating and entertaining way. We really don't know everything yet and we don't have to because there is way too much to know, and sometimes we even learn something from our guests. But we do like to receive as many questions as possible. If we don't know something yet, we will find it out for you. That makes the walk more challenging for us and more relevant for our guest. Otherwise we might as well give you an old Dutch Walkman with a standard tune. We don't like. After a city walk, our guests always know more and often fun conversations arise during or after the walk.









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